Promoting Peace & Justice (PPJ) Jhalokathi

Weekly activities for the duration of 11 November to 17 November 2022

Facilitation and monitoring of bi-Month Meetings UZLAC:
Through this meeting, it will enhance the capacity, and knowledge of UPLAC members and also increase awareness about their roles and responsibilities. They will review their last two-month activities and set the activity and strategy for the next two months. They will also discuss field-level situations, and problems, and overcome processes.

Facilitation and monitoring bi-Month Meetings of UZLAC:
Md. Siddikur Rahman, Chairman, Nalchity Upazila Parishad, Nalchity, Jhalokathi, 01925-393038, Said that Many members of UZLAC are re-present different committees of the district level. We should own the initiative to disseminate legal aid information. So that if he/she needs legal aid service can go to the district legal aid office. We will arrange a bi-Month meeting in due time.

  • Student Program- Amua Bonthor Amir Molla Secondary School
  • UZLAC bi-Month Meeting- -Nalchity Upazila
  • bi-Month Meeting-Amua Union Parishad, Kathalia, Jhalokathi_
  • bi-Month Meeting-Baruia Union, Rajapur, Jhalokathi
  • Courtyard Meeting-Ward No-02, Gubkhan Dhansiri Union, Jhalokathi Sadar, Jhalokathi
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  • Student Campaign, Prosonna Kumar Secondary School, Kirtipasha Union, Jhalokathi Sadar, Jhalokathi .1
Student Program- Amua Bonthor Amir Molla Secondary School1 UZLAC bi-Month Meeting- -Nalchity Upazila2 bi-Month Meeting-Amua Union Parishad, Kathalia, Jhalokathi_3 bi-Month Meeting-Baruia Union, Rajapur, Jhalokathi4 Courtyard Meeting-Ward No-02, Gubkhan Dhansiri Union, Jhalokathi Sadar, Jhalokathi5 Miking-Baruia Union, Rajapur, Jhalokathi6 Student Campaign, Prosonna Kumar Secondary School, Kirtipasha Union, Jhalokathi Sadar, Jhalokathi .17

Campaign involving students on civic education of rights and responsibilities:
Mr. A.K.M Shamim, Headmaster, Amua Bonder Amir Mollah Secondary School, Amua Union, Kathalia, Jhalokathi, Mobile No-01757-125116, Said that- There is various way to disseminate information. But the Student campaign is a very effective and strong way to build up students. Thanks to PPJ for organizing this event with school students. Students can learn in detail about the Legal Aid Service and they can disseminate the information about the Legal Aid Service among the community. I request the student who is present at the day’s event to inform the LAS information among their family, neighbor, and community. So that community people can take LAS service from DLAC.